Finishing VHF, drafting my other project, and life rambles
Blog Post | August 26, 2024
✎ Vaguely Human Figures update
I'm done with Vaguely Human Figures. I feel like I’ve done all I can possibly do to make it better. It’s hard to tell how I feel about it because I’ve read it so many times at this point that it looks goofy. My critique partners enjoyed it, though, and they’re all incredible people I have a lot of respect for, so I trust their judgment wholeheartedly <3
The next step I have to take with VHF is choosing a publishing method. I’m still figuring this whole publishing thing out and weighing the pros and cons of the different routes. I wish I could just telepathically communicate my book to people who want to read it instead of having to deal with all of that. I like the going-insane-on-a-Google-doc part of writing, not the making-it-accessible-and-digestible-for-other-people part.
✎ Secret project update
Also, I recently finished the first draft of my secret project. It’s currently at about 65,000 words, and I have a rewriting plan that will put it at around 75k. This is significantly shorter than my other projects, which usually range from 90-130k, but I like the new direction I’m moving in. I’m extremely excited about this project even though it’s difficult and deals with extremely specific themes and feelings I hope to convey accurately. A lot of my personal struggles and experiences go into this new project, and for the first time, I feel like I’m writing as myself and not just as my characters.
This project draws inspiration from Black Mirror (the show), Less Than Zero (the Bret Easton Ellis novel [if you’ve read any of my blog posts, you know how much I love this dude’s work]) and Wallsocket (the Underscores album). I’m hesitant to reveal much about it, but I think it has tons of potential!
✎ Other life stuff
I still have a month until I move into college, and I’m excited to see my friends. I’ve been daydreaming about doing dumb things with them and going to parties every week and having the freedom to do whatever I want all summer long. I finally understand why some adults refer to college as the best time in their lives. You experience the freedom of childhood and the freedom of adulthood at the same time.
Things I’ve been enjoying:
Flash in the Pan by Jane Remover
Is There Really No Happiness? by Porter Robinson (the best song off SMILE :D I’m afraid).
Cops and robbers by Underscores
Musician by Porter Robinson (This song represents everything I feel about being an artist).
Got Me Started by Troye Sivan
I re-read My Year of Rest and Relaxation which, of course, slapped. She’s just like me fr.
I also read Stoner by John Williams which was very beautifully written yet digestible, and it had that vibe that a lot of classic books have where it’s goofy because of how serious the language is when describing unserious situations.
I finally read These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong. The romance was too cheesy for my taste, but I had a good time overall (the last couple of chapters had my eyes WIDE OPEN).
I'm about to read Tampa by Alissa Nutting, which I've heard is gross, so it's probably down my alley.
I've been reading prose pieces in the Kenyon Review. My favorite so far is Siphonophore by M.W. Brooke. I also enjoyed Deer Meat by Alanna Weissman in the Adroit Journal's most recent issue.