Vaguely Human Figures, secret projects, recent obsessions, other summer adventures
Blog Post | July 12, 2024
✎ Vaguely Human Figures
I’m nearing the end of Vaguely Human Figures’ third draft. I hit a low point about a month ago when I was combing through draft 2 and having a mental breakdown because I thought it sucked (lmao). It’s finally starting to shape up into something I’m prouder of, and once I finish this draft, I’ll send it off to my beta readers. At 130,000 words, it’s much longer than I’d like it to be, and I’m hoping I can get some guidance from them in terms of what to cut.
Also, I’m working on the book cover. I had a really good idea for it, and I just need to get in cahoots with a digital artist to help bring my idea to life.
I’ve been using this Pomodoro technique timer video to edit, and I’ve never been more productive.
✎Secret Project
I’m writing a novella. It’s quite different from anything I’ve written in the past, but I’m obsessed with its themes and characters, and I see this project turning into a little universe of its own. I don’t have any specific hopes or expectations with it—maybe I’ll submit it to a competition or a small press when it’s done. Mostly, I’m trying to slow down and focus on developing my writerly voice and trademarks by taking on a smaller project compared to my typical 100,000+ word long novels.
I'm also working on some short stories. I've been reading a lot of them, too, and I want to grow my portfolio. I think it would be cool to create my own little universe where all my stories are connected via easter eggs and recurring characters (like Bret Easton Ellis' work).
✎ Media I've Been Loving
Tribulations - LCD Soundsystem
Movies for Guys - Jane Remover
Vanilla Sky - Bladee, Ecco2k
Same In The End - Sublime
YUNG SHERMAN - Bladee, Yung Sherman
Meat Grinder - Madvillain
Books on my TBR this month:
Beyond Good And Evil - Nietzsche
Imperial Bedrooms - Bret Easton Ellis
All Quiet on the Western Front - Erich Maria Remarque
Random obsessions:
Parallels between the human body and nature
Divine machinery
Veggie straws from Trader Joe’s
✎ Life Updates
I’m afraid I may need to find a job. I applied to work at a craft store recently. I hope they don't ghost me like the other 1283982739827383 jobs I've applied to.
There’s a boba place at my local mall. They make the best boba I’ve ever had.
I miss college (mostly for the freedom and social interaction), but I just know I’m gonna miss this period of my life someday, so I’m doing all I can to treasure it.
I have a partnership coming up on TikTok, which means I need to start posting on there so that it doesn’t flop.