Vaguely Human Figures, secret projects, recent obsessions, other summer adventures

Blog Post | July 12, 2024

Vaguely Human Figures 

I’m nearing the end of Vaguely Human Figures’ third draft. I hit a low point about a month ago when I was combing through draft 2 and having a mental breakdown because I thought it sucked (lmao). It’s finally starting to shape up into something I’m prouder of, and once I finish this draft, I’ll send it off to my beta readers. At 130,000 words, it’s much longer than I’d like it to be, and I’m hoping I can get some guidance from them in terms of what to cut. 

Also, I’m working on the book cover. I had a really good idea for it, and I just need to get in cahoots with a digital artist to help bring my idea to life. 

I’ve been using this Pomodoro technique timer video to edit, and I’ve never been more productive.

Secret Project

I’m writing a novella. It’s quite different from anything I’ve written in the past, but I’m obsessed with its themes and characters, and I see this project turning into a little universe of its own. I don’t have any specific hopes or expectations with it—maybe I’ll submit it to a competition or a small press when it’s done. Mostly, I’m trying to slow down and focus on developing my writerly voice and trademarks by taking on a smaller project compared to my typical 100,000+ word long novels. 

I'm also working on some short stories. I've been reading a lot of them, too, and I want to grow my portfolio. I think it would be cool to create my own little universe where all my stories are connected via easter eggs and recurring characters (like Bret Easton Ellis' work). 

Media I've Been Loving


Tribulations - LCD Soundsystem

Movies for Guys - Jane Remover

Vanilla Sky - Bladee, Ecco2k

Same In The End - Sublime

YUNG SHERMAN - Bladee, Yung Sherman

Meat Grinder - Madvillain 

Books on my TBR this month:

Beyond Good And Evil - Nietzsche 

Imperial Bedrooms - Bret Easton Ellis 

All Quiet on the Western Front - Erich Maria Remarque

Random obsessions:

Parallels between the human body and nature

Divine machinery

Veggie straws from Trader Joe’s

Life Updates

I’m afraid I may need to find a job. I applied to work at a craft store recently. I hope they don't ghost me like the other 1283982739827383 jobs I've applied to.

There’s a boba place at my local mall. They make the best boba I’ve ever had.

I miss college (mostly for the freedom and social interaction), but I just know I’m gonna miss this period of my life someday, so I’m doing all I can to treasure it.

I have a partnership coming up on TikTok, which means I need to start posting on there so that it doesn’t flop.